Learning outcome 1
Learning outcome 1

11.2 Human Resource Management and Compliance Some key areas that HR supports within the employee life cycle process include: human resources compliance, employee selection and hiring, performance management, compensation rewards, and talent development and succession planning.

learning outcome 1

Finally, in the fourth wave, HR is still a partner to the business, but it looks outside of the business to customers, investors, and communities to see how it can be competitive in terms of customer share, investor confidence, and community reputation. Wave 3 of HR brought with it the concept that HR should be a true partner to the business and should support the business strategy through its programs and services. In the second wave, HR became focused on the design of HR practice areas, which could be built upon best-practice models. Human resource management began in its first “wave” as a primarily compliance-type function, with the HR staff charged with enforcing compliance of employees and running the ongoing administrative processes. What has been the evolution of human resource management over the years, and what is the current value it provides to an organization?.My revisions also show that I have improved on identifying mistakes, and fixing them, but still having the integrity of my essay intact.11.1 An Introduction to Human Resource Management It is important to understand and learn from your mistakes, but it’s also important to know you don’t need to start over to square one. I feel that the revisions I have made in my second essay shows my ability that I can adjust without compromising my paper.

learning outcome 1

Local edits that I made was separating a big paragraph into two, switching around quotes, as well as adding and deleting where it was necessary, adding page numbers in my in-text citations, and fixing small grammar or spelling errors. In my first draft, my last paragraph did not serve the ending of my paper well, so the conclusion wrapped up my thesis and claims, as well as adding in some new ideas. Another big revision I made was adding a conclusion and citation page. I also made it more clear and to the point by separating a long sentence into two shorter ones. In my final draft, I recognized this very big mistake, and changed it so it was more specific, in order to follow my paper better. For instance, in my first draft, my thesis was broad and confusing.

learning outcome 1

These improvements both demonstrate my ability to engage in both local and global revisions. From my first draft of my essay “The Pros of Arts and Sciences Joining Forces”, to my final draft, I made many improvements.

Learning outcome 1